Saturday, 3 August 2013

Pavlova - A Recipe in Pictures.

Pavlova is one of my favouritest desserts so today I am going to share my Bestest Pavlova Recipe.
I like to make a super giant one, so I usually add an extra 50% of everything (6 egg whites instead of 4...etc..).
And in case you're a bear like me...I'm including visual aides!
Here we go...

Put 4 egg whites into bowl of electric whipping machine.....

and also add 1/2 cup of caster sugar.....

Plug in the electric whiperer and let it beat until egg whites begin to look stiff.....

Now keep it beating and add another 1/2 cup of caster sugar, a tablespoon at a time, until the sugar is dissolved. This will take about 5 minutes of beating, so while you wait for the machine to do it's thing, take out your cornflour and white vinegar.....

Add 3 teaspoons of cornflour and 1 teaspoon of vinegar to the stiffened egg whites and gently fold them through with a big metal spoon.....

Line a big, round, flat baking pan with baking paper (or dust it with lots of cornflour) and plop your mixture onto it. Then gently spread it around a bit so it forms a big cakish shape. Run a flat knife around the edge if you want to give it a nice form.....

Then pop it into a slow oven at 150C (or 300F for my American friends) for about an hour and a half. This is what it should look like when it's cooked - slightly slightly coloured with a crunchy meringuey crust.....

Ok, now you need to let it cool for a couple of hours. While you're waiting, you can check that your cream doesn't have poison in it by tasting some of it....but make sure you leave some to decorate the pav with!!!

Electric mixer time again......whip the cream with a tablespoon of icing sugar and a teeny splash of vanilla essence and spread it all over your cooled pavlova......

Then the fun bit - decorations! Pavlovas are traditionally decorated with lots of yummy summertime fruit but I like to use raspberries and shaved chocolate. It's up to you - you can decorate it with whatever you like (though I don't recommend anchovies!).....

Only one thing left to do now friends....nom nom nom.....

Bill xx


  1. I like how you like to watch to make sure everything gets in the bowl safely! But that does endanger you of getting dirty, I saw a splotch on your nose in one pic!

    Very #protip to make sure the cream isn't poisoned! ;) however here in the us we have frosting in a can. Thou I'm sure it's always best to check EVERYTHING for poison ;)

  2. Heehee - splotches on the nose are just food for Ron (lateRon).

    Yes, very important to check foods for poison - especially sweet noms! We have whipped cream in cans in Australia too Miss IcyPink, but if you can get real cream (either thin or thickened) and whip it yourself, I promise you will be much happier as the result is much much yummier than the canned version.

    Thank you for reading and for your lovely comment.

    Bill xxx
