Sunday, 29 December 2013

Christmas Baking - Snickerdoodles!

Hi friends!

It's been really really busy around here over Christmas....and yes, I've been really really this blog post is a little late in getting out. I know some of my friends have been waiting very patiently for this. And others have quite bluntly said "hurry up Bill!" so here I am....I've peeled myself off the lounge and am ready to tell you about my lovely Kitchen Adventure baking Snickerdoodles.

Firstly, snickerdoodles are NOT made out of snickers chocolate bars :) They are a super yummy USA sugar cookie that is rolled in cinamon sugar before baking. Yes, they are the cinamon donut of the cookie world.

Yes I know, stop talking Bill and show us the cookies! But first - credit where it's due.
Thank you to my friends Ellie and Edmond for introducing me to these lovely treats!
And thank you to Mrs Betty Crocker for the recipe :)

I won't write out the recipe here - just click on the link above and be magically taken to Mrs Crocker's recipe page. One note for non-American kitchen friends........ our friends in the USA have an ingredient called shortening. I don't know about Europe, but here in Aussie Land we don't have anything that really compares, so I just used extra butter instead of shortening. It worked out real well.

Ok - PHOTOS! Here we go.........the they are just out of the oven.....

They look quite yummy don't they. Can you see the cinamon?.....

 The recipe sure made a lot of cookies!!!!!.........

I let my Mumma Bear have one with her cup of tea. (Just one mind you).......

Well, you know what we do now don't you friends?
.......nom nom nom

Bill xx


  1. If you could just send me a box round, Bill, that'll be fine. Thanks!

  2. They look DELICIOUS!
    No Snickers? In Snickerdoodles? Whaaaat? *Jeremy faints*
