It's been really really busy around here over Christmas....and yes, I've been really really this blog post is a little late in getting out. I know some of my friends have been waiting very patiently for this. And others have quite bluntly said "hurry up Bill!" so here I am....I've peeled myself off the lounge and am ready to tell you about my lovely Kitchen Adventure baking Snickerdoodles.
Firstly, snickerdoodles are NOT made out of snickers chocolate bars :) They are a super yummy USA sugar cookie that is rolled in cinamon sugar before baking. Yes, they are the cinamon donut of the cookie world.
Yes I know, stop talking Bill and show us the cookies! But first - credit where it's due.
Thank you to my friends Ellie and Edmond for introducing me to these lovely treats!
And thank you to Mrs Betty Crocker for the recipe :)
I won't write out the recipe here - just click on the link above and be magically taken to Mrs Crocker's recipe page. One note for non-American kitchen friends........ our friends in the USA have an ingredient called shortening. I don't know about Europe, but here in Aussie Land we don't have anything that really compares, so I just used extra butter instead of shortening. It worked out real well.
Ok - PHOTOS! Here we go.........the they are just out of the oven.....
They look quite yummy don't they. Can you see the cinamon?.....
The recipe sure made a lot of cookies!!!!!.........
Well, you know what we do now don't you friends?
.......nom nom nom
Bill xx